Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

Review: coComment

Scoble points us to a cool new website called coComment; it makes so much sense! I thought I was the only idiot wandering around blogs, posting comments and then having to manually go back and see if there was a response. Apparently not…

2006 Superbowl Commercials

Being a Denver fan (and resident) I felt it was only necessary to root for the guys who beat us (Steelers). My logic brings me to the conclusion that we were #3 this season. Way to grab the bronze, Broncos! Anyway, I was simultanously doing other things during the game tonight but luckily I can download all the commercials into iTunes. PS: How cute was that clydesdale one?

Sears Card

I called to cancel my Sears Card and heard this message while waiting: “Fall is here and Sears has everything you need…” Hmm..

Review: Crash

I watched Crash last weekend and it was fantastic. Today I noticed that it was nominated for a few Acadamy Awards.

Facebook: Add A Friend + Message

I found another new (and useful) feature on Facebook today. When adding Melody I noticed you can add a ‘personal message’ to your friend request. (That way I don’t look as random when adding random friends). Nifty.

Bloggers Write Too Much

Dear Bloggers,

Biphasic Sleep Update

I’ve survived week one of my biphasic sleep schedule. Before I started my new routine I would get probably 8 or 9 hours of sleep per night. Last night I settled with 4.5. Here’s how the last 7 days looked:

PIP Resolution: Working Out

If you can’t tell I love to be organized and lay everything out. I can be very spur of the moment (let me tell you about the time we went skiing at midnight until 2am, slept in my car, then drove to Vail the next morning…) but in general I like to know what the plan is.

Gum = Dangerous?

It appears as if Melody is onto something: aspartame is dangerous… and it’s in every pack of gum in my house! I, honest to goodness, wondered why sometimes I felt weird when I chewed a lot of gum (Orbit is my weapon of choice) in a day. I don’t think I can quit all together but I’ll certainly ween myself off it (I chew half pieces anyway).

PIP Resolution: Book a Month

Last year I resolved to read a book a month. I fell a few books short of my goal, unfortunately. In hindsight, I’m not sure why. I think the problem was with how I scheduled/used my time and that’s obviously beginning to change this year.