Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

Vonage IPO

Hmm, this is neat to see, Vonage filed for an IPO today and expects to sell $250 million in stock. You can’t spell VOIP without IPO, right?

MySpace Ads Suck

I was running some numbers today because, well, I hate myspace. Usually I can handle people’s unique background images and their silly javascript cursors but I hate the crammed, ad-filled look.

Google Ads in Print

Wow, print media isn’t entirely dead but I was definitely convinced that advertising in it was (what are Seth Godin’s thoughts?). Google certainly changed some things today. I had recommended people to steer clear of print advertising but, hey, I apologize: I was wrong. I’m excited to turn around and recommend print advertising at work tomorrow!

Dissecting Gmail

It’s investigative journalism like this that pleases me. Not repetitive nonsense like my website offers. In any case, Garett Rogers at ZDNet thinks GMail may be planning on domain control, maybe even corporate email service?

Facebook Fun

Another day, another post about Facebook. I was wandering around today and found a few interesting things. First, this site looks familiar. Second, if you login and try to open blast.php you get redirected back to the home page. What does that mean? Well, pages that don’t exist will give you a 404; this page actually loads something. Something called a ‘blast’ is coming soon…

Dealing With Stress

I?ve been reading a bunch on stress (given I’m a workaholic) and I’ve done some thinking: I rarely ever feel stressed so I never have to deal with it. I’ve never understood why this is, though. Maybe I?m stress proof, maybe it?s how I live my life? My question to you is:


Is anyone out there playing with 30boxes? If so, email me if you’d like to play with the ‘buddy’ features. If not, go to and sign up… then re-read this post starting at ‘If so’… At first glance this kick-ass-calendar seems to be just that (and more).

Facebook Valentines

valentine.pngYes, Facebook is offering ‘Facebook Valentines‘. Cute idea, but there are some problems. Don’t get me wrong, I love Facebook and everything those hard working individuals produce… I guess they’ve spoiled me: I expect the absolute best.

Clipboard Contents Gone

Just a little helpful tip for anyone out there looking to save themselves all kinds of time: Don’t crash Windows when there’s an entire document stored only in your clipboard (Ctrl-C). You won’t get that sucker back… believe me.


Shivani is a member of Work Anon. I’m looking to join: