Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

RSS File Extension

There has always been a bit of talk on RSS and whether or not it will be widely accepted. Many people suggest that ‘RSS’ doesn’t seem to flow off the tongue too easily. Why not, though? I don’t think we’re giving people much credit. People can be taught anything. Heck, we’re all still typing www. aren’t we? Does anyone know why? Additionally, I hear people instruct me to visit an .html page all the time. Do they know what HTML means? Most likely not. Do they know what .html pages are? Of course they do. That’s all they need to know.

Farecast Invitations

Anyone interested in testing out Farecast? It’s a very nice (beautiful, functional) website to help predict and find the best fares based on price histories. Right now it only serves Seattle/Boston markets but it’s great to play around with. I have a bunch of invites; just leave a comment.

Who’s Your Daddy?

In light of Father’s Day I figured I’d quickly dedicate a post to my father. Noah always has the good ideas.

Quick Updates

Vacation was great, I got lots of naps. Road trips are cool like that. Plus, it got me away from the record heat here in Colorado (something like 95+ for the last few days). Anyway, I had plenty of time to do some thinking and sort out my thoughts. Once I got back I started calling all kinds of people and started working on some projects:

Death Forecast

According to the Death Forecast I’m going to die at a ripe old age of 74. Gee only 55 years left. Then again, I could get hit by a bus this afternoon. I don’t even know why I did this survey… I should live as if tomorrow were the last day. Hmm…

Vacation Time

I hate to do this but I haven’t had time to write up any drafted posts… or any posts for that matter. This week has been crunch time in many areas and tomorrow I’ll be leaving for a week and a half. So, I’ll be back on the 12th and resume blogging with some (hopefully) great stuff.

Moola Invites

I have two invites to a very cool website. It’s called Moola and it’s very simple: you get a penny (real money) to play against someone else with a penny. The winner of the game wins the other person’s money. So, if you win 30 games in a row (.01, .02, .04, .08…) you can win over $10,000,000. You can cash out at any time, too. All you do is watch a quick ad, answer a question (to prove you saw it) and then play! So, the first two people to comment will receive an invitation. Only smart people can apply though, I want you guys winning me some money (referral bonus)!

Media Relations

If you’re still not sure about the power of bloggers please familiarize yourself with this Apple court decision. Then take a look at this question from a recent acquisition FAQ:

X-Men 3 Review

Not too shabby. The acting was a bit corny. I realize this movie has to cater to the lowest common denomenator. You really didn’t have to think much, it was all handed to you on a platter. Not only do they hint at something once, but they make sure to revisit it later in case you forgot… or were asleep the first time.

Blogging With Word 2007

I think this is one of the more excitingly useful features. At first I was like,