Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

Create your own URL shortener, use it with Tweetie 2

I hate URL shorteners, but that’s not the point

Rachel and I are engaged

Initial observations on Google Android


Rethinking food and farms: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Use Google Reader as a alternative

Google Reader has only recently added social features (following, liking, people searching) but I’ve found them to be amazingly powerful.

Most underrated iPhone applications

I love the iPhone (on T-Mobile). It’s been an awesome phone slash iPod slash internet device for me for almost two years now. As I check out some of the other mobile phones out there I realize I may never leave the iPhone because of its applications.

Recent graduates: how to find work you love

My friend Charlie Hoehn just released a free ebook: Recession-Proof Graduate and it encompasses a lot of ideals that I’ve learned over the last few years.

Twitter is the new MySpace

I get a lot of good emails but Rachel made a great observation today:

MailChimp releases Analytics360° WordPress plugin

At Crowd Favorite, we often have the privilege of working with some very cool clients. These last few weeks we worked closely with MailChimp to help release a WordPress plugin called Analytics360°.

Dashboard view of the Analytics360 plugin
Dashboard view of the Analytics360 plugin

How to: merge existing GMail accounts

*If you’re like me you have a GMail account (something like But, one day, Google Apps came along and offered the opportunity for Google to host and act as your domains’ email provider. I immediately forwarded all my incoming email to and set up the domain on Google Apps. Then a year later, I decided to change my domain to, so I set up another Google Apps instance and started forwarding email there.</p> Now I had three GMail accounts, all with different email saved in them. Oh, and suddenly, Google Voice and Contacts appered on the scene. I realized I wanted go go back to my account. I had email all over the place.</em>