Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.


Quote of the Day:

New Job

I started my new (corporate) job today. Very fun, challenging, and exciting. Magnetic access badge and all…

China Harvesting Organs

Do dead bodies have human rights? Apparently so. Personally, I think extra organs is a great thing for everyone. I don’t agree with the Chinese making a substantial profit off of someone else’s organs… but should they be collected? Of course.

WSJ Punny?

Is the WSJ trying to be punny? (Wendy’s Chief Quits in Shake-Up) I guess ‘Frosty-Up’ didn’t roll off the tongue as nicely…

Google’s Da Vinci Code Quest

I remember reading about Google’s Da Vinci Code Quest. It’s a pretty good puzzle today (1 of 24 complete!) and I think it’s helped me with my Soduku skills… or vice versa. In any case, someone needs to make sure I don’t forget this every day.

Free Denver Wi-Fi

From The Downtown Denver Partnership introduced free wireless Internet access along the 16th St. Mall Monday … The partnership said the downtown Wi-Fi project was among the first in the country to provide larger-scale free public Internet access.

Boomer Exercise

For those of you looking for a new career look no furthur than sports medicine. It seems that the boomer generation has started to wear their own bodies down through exercise. Although exercise has become popularized and even touted for disease prevention a lot of people are now going in for all kinds of replacements. From the NYT: As McGowan said, “I might be pushing it, but if I’m going to have a health issue, I’d rather it be orthopedic in nature than cardiac.”


Quote of the Day:

Carnival of Marketing #23

This week I’m hosting the Carnival of Marketing and I’ve got 7 great articles to share with you. Enjoy!

Exxon Executive Pay

Lee R. Raymond made roughly $144,573 per day between 1993 to 2005 at Exxon. If I made 1/1000th that right now I’d be pretty pleased.