Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

My Favorite Passengers, Part II

I’ve traveled quite a bit lately and have been working on being able to entertainingly come up with some common passenger profiles. Here are a few more of my findings:

My Favorite Airline Passengers, Part I

I’ve done a bunch of flying in the last few months (for work and training). I still get a little excited every time I fly. Airports have so many people and airplanes have so many people in a small spot. This means excellent people watching. I’ve come up with some of my favorite passenger profiles:

You don’t need a resume…

…unless you’re looking for mediocrity. Because that’s what happens when we

Setting the Pace on Day One

I think day one at a new job is the most important. It is going to set the pace for the rest of the job. I’m always conscious of first impressions and nothing is more important than a job’s first impression. There are only a few ways a first day can go though:

Internal Friction

Do you need a personal assistant?

There’s a new lifestyle experiment circling the world right now: personal assistants (on the other side of the world). Tim Ferriss definitely popularized this concept with his book The 4-Hour Workweek.

I’ll be at SXSWi 2008

For those of you who don’t speak nerd, I’m going to the South-by-Southwest Conference in Austin, TX on Friday (through Tuesday). I’ll be attending the ‘Interactive’ conference which is a lot of people from the internet who think they’re forward thinking, amazing individuals.

Never eat alone at work

Just don’t do it. Eating alone, though easier and more enjoyable sometimes (especially if you like yourself as much as I do) we should all do our best to become acquainted with the people at work.

Community Next bridges Silicon and silicone

Community Next is bridging Silicon Valley to the land of silicone with The Next Generation of Media and the Web happening Saturday, March 29 in West Hollywood. You may remember I’ve been pretty involved with Community Next and this one is going to be a neat twist on the original conferences: it’s not in the Bay, it’s in LA!

When you take a sick day…

…do you feel: