Devin Reams wearing a teal shirt in front of a teal sign that says 'trouble'

Howdy! I’m Devin. I’m sensibly impulsive, consistently non-committal, and passionately impartial. I’m a technologist living in Denver, Colorado.

Takeaways from Community Next

This weekend was the third iteration of Community Next and it was focused on developing for platforms (in other words: how to make money off of Facebook). I’ve been tossing around some ideas myself and only needed to listen to one or two panels to determine following:

Facebook Postulate #2

More active users attract more money (pageviews, clicks) via their news feed activity. In other words, if they show up in my feed and I click to see, we just helped Facebook earn money.

Haunted libraries really exist?

Haunted libraries really exist? According to George Eberhart at the Britannica blogs, there are a number of haunted libraries throughout the country. I asked 9rules and am curious: why do you think libraries are often portrayed as haunted, and do people still visit libraries?

Pink for October…

Pink for October is the one of the best, nerdiest ways to show your support for breast cancer awareness. Last October a pal of mine created the campaign to get website owners to turn their website pink to show their support. If you haven’t looked yet, I added my own splash of pink to my site. Go learn more about Pink for October.

Facebook Postulate #1

Facebook Postulate: If it’s not in your Mini-Feed it never happened. Seriously, it’s like a tree falling in a forest. Your new friends and group membership don’t make a sound!

Did you know you can help recruiters?

Did you know you can help recruiters? You typically think of them as someone you need to know and you require in order to get a job. But what if you already have a job and aren’t looking to move? What if you have a network of upcoming or recent college graduates? Well, in that case you can do someone a favor! Why wouldn’t you?

Connect and reconnect with professors

One of the most overlooked resources at Universities would easily be the professors. Sure, my evidence may be anecdotal but I have a sneeky suspicion that many students forgot how awesome professors can be. For starters, they

Everything is relative.

Everything is relative. I’ve been conducting an informal survey for a little while now: when I ask for ‘lots and lots of ketchup’ at the Chik-Fil-A drive-through I will receive either a) lots and lots of ketchup or b) three or four packets. The determining factor: how busy the Chik-Fil-A is. Something tells me if you work there and you hand out a dozen packets to a dozen cars in 5 minutes in a row you seem like you’re giving away too much. But, give away a dozen packets to a dozen cars in 30 minutes and you’re doing what you’re supposed to. (I think I’ll start saying ‘fill the bag with ketchup’.) is live!

If you’re looking for an awesome online personal finance tracker (but super-cool-web2.0-save-you-money style) then go visit my amigos at They went live today and their product is so simple and powerful. Go now.

Do you whiten your teeth?

As a BzzAgent I’ve been trying some dissolvable whitening strips for a bit. Do they really work? I can’t tell yet. But, I’m curious if you guys have any personal experiences with whitening products (mouthwaste, toothpaste, gum?) and what you’ve done.